While we often talk about fully funding our public schools, we don’t often talk about fully funding our families. Strong families make even stronger students, schools, and communities. One way to support strong families is to advocate for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina.

While many or our children are covered by current Medicaid, most of their parents and even caregivers fall in the coverage gap. Under current Medicaid restrictions, parents with 3 kids making more than $8,004 without disability are ineligible. A stable home life is important for the health and well being of all our children. Sick parents can have a deep impact on our kids. We all know that problems at home can impact their education.

Healthy parents also lead to healthy children. North Carolina has a terrible infant mortality rate. One way to help change that is to provide better coverage to adults. Many North Carolina women don’t get the pre natal care they need.

Listen I get that many think we should stick to education funding topics only. However, healthy families and communities play a key role in our students’ lives. The financial implications are huge. Medical bills can lead to tough financial choices for families, that they shouldn’t have to make. Check out our partners thoughts on the issue and support Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 5.







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