
Learn more about improving education in North Carolina.

At Save Our Schools NC, we don’t believe in reinventing the wheel.  The following groups have already created many useful resources, and are well worth a look:

Public Schools First NC

PSFNC has a wealth of resources. We particularly like their fact sheets on educational issues, as well as their legislative tracker, which lists all of the education-related bills filed in the NCGA.

SOSNC is a proud member of the Communities for the Education of Every Child. Their website has an advocacy toolkit (that we helped write), as well as links to current legislative contact campaigns and the latest news on the Leandro case. If you’d like to head directly to the toolkit, you can find it here. This is where you’ll find one-pagers explaining how schools are funded, the history of the Leandro case, and advice on specific advocacy activities, like how to hold a postcard party or set up a meeting with a legislator.

Freedom Hill Coalition

We love that this group is leading the way in dreaming about what strong, equitable public schools look like.

Other Advocacy Groups:

There are local groups throughout NC who work for strong, fully funded public schools. Here are some that we know about. If you work with a group and would like us to list it here, please email us.