We finally made it.  It’s voting time.  It all comes down to this, the vote.  We have the opportunity to change things for the better in the state.  This is why on many days you’ll find me greeting voters at the poll.  I’m assisting a representative that has a proven public education record.  I’m also talking to voters about public education and the amendments.

Poll greeting can be the ultimate people watching opportunity.  You have those who want to just get in line and those who are dying to connect.  I’ve talked at length to many who just needed to vent and others who were seeking information.  I had the pleasure of watching a poll supervisor named Peggy help a someone in line who was in pain make it to curb side voting.  I actually babysat someone’s dog so their owner could go in and vote.  Rufus and I had a great time.

That’s not say that poll greeting can’t be stressful.  I find it very stressful to listen to others spew misleading information.  I can actually feel my body temperature rise.  I’m thankful for groups out there engaging voters daily, especially those helping pass bonds or working to prevent the passage of the harmful amendments.  I’m impressed by candidates that may not appear on any slate cards out there talking to voters.  I’m humbled by all the candidates willing to put themselves out there.

Poll greeters can help those unsure of their voting districts, but more importantly they can help swing a vote or two.  I had the pleasure of witnessing a voter confused by the amendments decide during a conversation with another SOSNC member to vote against them.  I happened across the voter in an elevator as we walked to our cars.  She bragged about her no votes.  We make a difference.

If you’d like to make a difference, I can guarantee there is room for you to help.  Contact your party.  Contact your favorite pro education candidate.  There is room at the polls.  Your help is needed.

Now since this much social interaction drains me of all energy, it is time for me to say goodnight.    Oh and of course GO VOTE!

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